Refresh the CSS without having to reload the entire page

I am working on a web page that operates on a 60-second timer. The code snippet below is responsible for updating the content:

protected void RefreshButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

This web application will be running in a "kiosk" mode on a tablet and will be used solely for viewing purposes. When I make changes to the CSS and push them to the server, I have to manually refresh the page for the style updates to take effect. Simply updating the UpdatePanel does not suffice. Is there a way within the provided code to automatically trigger a page refresh after a certain period of time, or should I implement another timer to reload the entire page every x minutes/hours? I attempted to find a solution online but had no luck, possibly because I am already using the most optimal approach, or this situation is uncommon.

Answer №1

1) Find a reliable method (such as a plugin or API) to fetch and implement new CSS styles from the server.

2) Utilize client-side JavaScript (example) to dynamically load the CSS provided by the service. Implement a client-side timer in JavaScript to trigger the updates periodically.

UPDATE: Don't forget that you may encounter a 303 error if the URL for the CSS remains unchanged. Refer to this resource for a solution to address this issue. And kudos to the commenters who shared their insights before me on finding a suitable source for the task!

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