I'm looking to adjust the padding on the left and right sides of the v-select menu checkbox in Vuetify 3. How

While trying to reduce the left padding of the v-select menu checkbox using the F12 debugger, I encountered an issue where the menu suddenly disappears when clicked. This makes it difficult to see the active menu.

Attached is a screenshot of the select menu:

How can I adjust the checkbox's right or label's left padding using CSS? I am using Vue 3 and Vuetify 3 versions.

For reference, here is a sample application:

Answer №1

If you need to debug and keep the menu open-

Simply utilize the menu-props feature of the v-select component, which allows you to pass props to the underlying v-menu component and set the model-value prop of v-menu to true in order to always keep the menu open.

  :menu-props="{ modelValue: true }"

To adjust the padding of the label on list items-

You can customize the CSS class .v-list-item-title.

.v-list-item-title {
  padding-left: 10px !important;

You have the flexibility to further debug according to your specific needs.

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