One question that recently came up was: What is the best approach to tackling this issue? Developing a tool that enables designers to customize animations. To make this process easier, it is essential to create an AnimationSequence using JavaScript that can display these animations.
For instance, if a designer wanted to adjust the filling of a bar element, they could utilize AnimationSequence in the following manner:
const barSequence = new AnimationSequence(bar, [
[100, { width: '10%' }],
[200, { width: '20%' }],
[200, { width: '50%' }],
[200, { width: '80%' }],
[300, { width: '90%' }],
[100, { width: '100%' }]
In this sequence, the time duration for each step and the CSS properties are defined within arrays as the first and second elements respectively.
How would you go about implementing your own AnimationSequence?