Displaying a large image within a small div using Bootstrap 4

I have a specific image with dimensions of 244px by 751px, and I am trying to place it inside a div container that is 132px by 132px. I want the image to maintain its aspect ratio without being stretched. Despite using the img-fluid class, the image does not behave as expected. Can you please help me identify what I am doing wrong?

.thumbs-container {
  width: 132px;
  height: 132px;

.item1 {
<div class="thumbs-container col-2">
            class="item1 img-thumbnail"

Answer №1

.thumbs-container {
  width: 132px;
  height: 132px;

.item1 {
  background: url('http://via.placeholder.com/244x751')no-repeat center center;
  width: 132px;
  height: 132px;
<div class="thumbs-container col-2">
          <div class="item1"></div>

Answer №2

Adjust the height of .item1 to be 100%

.item1 {
    height: 100%;

Answer №3

background-size:contain is specifically designed for images used as backgrounds in CSS. To apply this effect, simply remove the img tag and set your desired background using CSS like so:


<div class="thumbs-container col-2"></div>


.thumbs-container {
    width: 132px;
    height: 132px;
    background: url('http://via.placeholder.com/244x751') no-repeat center/contain;

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