I have successfully implemented a click effect on one image and now I wish to apply the same effect to the remaining images

I've exhausted all my options and still can't crack this puzzle. Let me break it down for you:

Upon entering the page, users are greeted with a collection of images each tagged with classes (for example, img01 and img02). When an image is clicked, it stays in place (img01's z-index increases), while the rest fade away (a white fill DIV covers img02), accompanied by text detailing the piece (text fades in from the object-text tag associated with img01).

Although I managed to get the functionality working for img01, replicating the same for

img02</code has proved tricky. Additionally, I'm looking to introduce more tags like <code>img03
and img04 and exploring if there's a more efficient way to structure this.

If you need a reference for the functionality, here's the link: http://jsfiddle.net/kenhimself/nvwzgus0/4/. The HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code can be found below.

Thank you in advance!


<a href="#" id="object" class="img01"> <img class="img01" src="http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcepyv1Qfv1ru82ue.jpg"/></a>
<div id="object-text" class="img01">
    <h1>img01 Text<br/>img01 Text</h1>

<a href="#" id="object" class="img02"> <img class="img02" src="http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcepyv1Qfv1ru82ue.jpg"/></a>
<div id="object-text" class="img02">
    <h1>img02 Text<br/>img02 Text</h1>

<div id="filler"></div>


html, body {
#object {
    top: 100px;
#object-text {
    bottom: 0;
    left: 0;
#filler {
    background-color: white;
    opacity: 0.8;
h1 {
    font-family: sans-serif;
    font-weight: 100;
    font-style: normal;
    color: red;

.img01, .img02 {
.img01 img, .img02 img {
.img01 {
    top: 20px;
    left: 20px;
.img02 {
    top: 20px;
    right: 20px;


$("#object").click(function (e) {

$("#object").click(function (e) {
    $("#object").css("z-index", "2000");
    $("#inner").css("z-index", "2000");

$(document).click(function () {

Answer №1

It appears that there are some inconsistencies in your code. For a more effective approach, consider assigning unique IDs to each DOM element and targeting images by their class names. I have made adjustments to your example, reorganized it slightly, and provided a better method for implementation.


I have enclosed each image in a container tag, eliminated duplicate IDs, and utilized class names instead.

<a href="#" class="image img01">
    <img class="img01" src="http://example.com/img01.jpg"/>
    <div class="object-description">
        <h1>Image 01 Description<br/>Image 01 Description</h1>

<a href="#" class="image img02">
    <img class="img02" src="http://example.com/img02.jpg"/>
    <div class="object-description">
        <h1>Image 02 Description<br/>Image 02 Description</h1>

<div id="spacer"></div>

A CSS class has been added to manage the z-index dynamically, simplifying the process of toggling it on and off.

a.top {
    z-index: 2000;

Event handling has been adjusted to target the new container tag:

$("a.image").click(function (e) {

The method for resetting the z-index of images has been modified:

$(document).click(function () {
    $("#spacer").fadeOut("slow", function() {

Answer №2

One critical issue that stands out is the presence of two objects sharing the same id. Rectifying this will resolve the error in your code. I suggest converting what you currently have as ids (object) to classes, and what is currently designated as classes (img02 and img01) to ids.

Upon further examination of your code, it appears that repetitive occurrences of this mistake are widespread. It's imperative to adhere to the rule of never reusing ids while coding. Both your 'a's and 'divs' contain duplicate ids...

Please don't interpret this feedback as harsh criticism, but rather a call for significant improvements. Feel free to reach out with any questions or if additional assistance is required.

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