To achieve a clean display of error and message responses in your JSP file, consider placing the <s:actionerrors />
and <s:actionmessages />
tags within specific div containers. For instance, you can use a red container for errors and a green one for messages. Remember to check if there are any errors or messages before displaying the div:
<s:if test="hasActionErrors()">
<div class="feedError">
<s:actionerrors />
<s:if test="hasActionMessages()">
<div class="feedOk">
<s:actionmessages />
For styling purposes, define the CSS properties for the error and message containers:
width: 100%;
border: 10px solid red;
width: 100%;
border: 10px solid green;
If you are unable to access Action Errors and Messages directly from HTML, consider using an alternative view technology like FreeMarker Template or Velocity. Here's an example using FreeMarker Template (not tested):
<#if (actionErrors?size>0)>
<div class="feedError">
<@s.actionerror />
<#if (actionMessages?size>0)>
<div class="feedOk">
<@s.actionmessage />
For Velocity (again, not tested), the code could look like this:
#if( $actionErrors.size() > 0 )
<div class="feedError">
#foreach( $msg in $actionErrors )
[$msg]<br />
#if( $actionMessages.size() > 0 )
<div class="feedOk">
#foreach( $msg in $actionMessages )
[$msg]<br />
To restrict the use of scriptlets in JSP files, you can configure this behavior in the web.xml file by adding the following code:
While using JSP with Struts2 is convenient, it's not the only option available. Explore other view technologies for a different approach to handling dynamic content in your web application.