Having trouble aligning two divs on the same line and adjusting the controls to expand their width when there is extra space

I am currently creating an application using React and Material UI, incorporating the autocomplete control feature. Take a look at the code sandbox I have set up.

Here are some concerns:

  1. I am aiming to have two autocomplete controls displayed on the same line. Despite trying to apply inline styling with display: "inline" to the div, it seems to be overridden by the default style. How can I ensure both controls appear side by side?
  2. Once the controls are positioned on the same line, I would like them to each take up 20% of the width, totaling 40% together. As more items are added to these controls, I want them to expand horizontally until they reach 100% width collectively. Then, the controls should increase in height to accommodate additional items.

Answer №1

Based on what you've described, it looks like you should adjust the following:

item: {
    minWidth: "20%",

And for the main container:

 root: {
    display: "flex !important"

Answer №2

There are a few issues that need to be addressed in this code snippet:

  1. The lack of utilizing flex on both the root and items elements.
  2. The decision to use a fixed width for items instead of using maxWidth.

Take a look at this updated version which should achieve the desired outcome. I made adjustments by removing the margin rule, adding flex-grow: 1 to the items, and setting the root width to 100% rather than a specific pixel value.

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