Is it possible to establish a CSS minimum width that is relative to a different element?

Is it possible to set the min-width of a submenu in CSS to be equal to that of the corresponding link in a navigation menu? I am using LESS for my styling.

    <a href="">Item FooBarBaz</a>
    <ul class="submenu">
       <a href="">Item FooBarBazZipBamBop</a>
       <ul class="submenu">

My goal is to have each ul.submenu match the min-width of its preceding anchor element. Since this width could vary for each submenu, is CSS capable of achieving this or would javascript be a more suitable solution?

Answer №1

Of course! Here is a sample illustration:


body > ul > li 
    float: left;
    position: relative;

ul > li  a
    display: block;
    margin: 5px;

ul > li:hover > ul
    display: block;

ul > li > ul
    position: absolute;
    min-width: 100%;
    background-color: green;
    display: none;

ul > li > ul > li
    display: block;

Answer №2

Perhaps wrapping each submenu with an inline-block div could be a quicker and easier solution? I always hesitate to add extensive lines of code for a minor effect.

    <div style='display:inline-block;'>
        <a href="">Item FooBarBaz</a>
        <ul class="submenu">
    <div style='display:inline-block;'>
       <a href="">Item FooBarBazZipBamBop</a>
       <ul class="submenu">

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