Bulma: Tips for creating equally sized buttons?

I am working with Bulma CSS and trying to ensure that all my buttons are the same size. Currently, each button appears to have a different size based on the text content.
I have looked into using the "is-fullwidth" option, but it makes the buttons too large for my design.

Does anyone have any suggestions or solutions?

Answer №1

Bulma classes don't provide a built-in solution for this particular issue, apart from the is-fullwidth class. However, you have the option to create your own custom class that can be applied to buttons throughout your project. For instance:

.button.is-wide {
   min-width: 250px;

Answer №2

To create multiple columns, you can use the columns class element and place a button inside each column element with the is-fullwidth class.

 <div class="columns">
    <div class="column is-2">
       <button class="button is-outline is-primary is-fullwidth" id="acceptBtn">Ok</button>
    <div class="column is-2">
       <button class="button is-outline is-secondary is-fullwidth ml-5" id="cancelBtn">Discard changes</button>

You can add as many buttons as needed within the column elements.

The width of the buttons will be determined by the column elements and the is-fullwidth class will expand them to fit the container.

If you prefer a more concise code, you can try this:

<div class="columns">
   <button class="button is-outline is-primary is-fullwidth column is-2" id="acceptBtn">Ok</button>
   <button class="button is-outline is-secondary is-fullwidth ml-5 column is-2" id="cancelBtn">Discard changes</button>

Adding the is-fullwidth column is-2 classes directly to the <button> tags is also a valid approach.

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