What is the best way to include a text input as the last option in a Select input form field?

I would like to implement a select input feature where users can choose from predefined options, with the added functionality of including a text input field as the last option for users who prefer to enter their own category. How can I achieve this?

Currently, my HTML code includes:

<div class="form-group">
  <label for="postCategory">Category</label>
  <select class="form-control" name="category">
        <option name="table1" value="1" selected="true" disabled="disabled">Select A Category</option>
        <option name="category1" value="general">General</option>
        <option name="category2" value="tech">Tech</option>

In the backend, user input is captured using the following code after form submission:

app.post('/compose', function(req, res) {

How can I incorporate a text input field within the last option of the select menu, allowing users to input their own category if they do not wish to choose 'General' or 'Tech'? How can I retrieve this data in the backend?

Answer №1

If we desire a text input as an option, it may prove challenging. One workaround is to implement the following:

<input placeholder="Select a category" type="text" list="categories" name="category" />
<datalist id="categories">
      <option name="table1" value="1"  selected="true" disabled="disabled">Select A Category</option>
      <option name="category1" value="general">General</option>
      <option name="Category2" value="tech">Tech</option>

Note: <datalist> functionality is supported in recent versions of Chrome, Safari and Firefox. Most modern browsers will also accommodate this feature, with the exception of older versions of the aforementioned browsers and Internet Explorer. Please consult https://caniuse.com/datalist for further information on usage.

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