Propelling Information using the Chakra-UI Drawer Element

I've been exploring the features of the Chakra-UI drawer component and you can find more information about it here. Overall, the functionality aligns with my needs, except for one particular aspect - instead of pushing the content to the side, the drawer covers it. What I'm aiming for is a right-side drawer that when opened, shifts the content to the left.

Has anyone successfully implemented this kind of behavior with the Chakra-UI Drawer component? If so, I'd be grateful for insights on how to achieve it.

Many thanks in advance.

Answer №1

Although I'm not completely certain about this solution, you could give it a try:

1. Avoid using a traditional drawer.

2. Instead of a drawer, create a custom component named "CustomDrawer" (you can choose any name) with the necessary contents.

In the CustomDrawer component, add some CSS for the parent element with the following class names that will be accepted via props:


3. Utilize conditional rendering to pass the components accordingly:


<customeDrawer class="displayNone"><customeDrawer>


<customeDrawer class="displayBlock"><customeDrawer>

Hopefully, this approach proves to be beneficial.

Answer №2

the solution that solved my issue was adding padding-right: 0 !important to the body element.

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