Display corresponding div elements upon clicking an HTML select option

Is there a way to make a div visible when a corresponding select option is clicked, while hiding others? My JavaScript skills are lacking in this area.


#aaa, #bbb, #ccc {

The HTML (I'm using the same id name for option and div - is this correct?)

  <option id="aaa" value="aaa" onclick="showExtra(this)">AAA</option>
  <option id="bbb" value="bbb" onclick="showExtra(this)">BBB</option>
  <option id="ccc" value="ccc" onclick="showExtra(this)">CCC</option>

<div id="aaa">
  <p>AAA is aaamazing</p>
<div id="bbb">
  <p>BBB is bbbriliant</p>
  <div id="ccc">
<p>cccor blimey CCC</p>

The JavaScript

function showExtra(element)
   I need help with .slideToggle("medium");

Answer №1

Eliminate the IDs within the <option> elements, as they are unnecessary (unless necessary, in which case rename them to avoid conflicts with DIV IDs). Additionally, trigger the function from the dropdown's onchange event instead of clicking on the options.

<select onchange="showExtra(this)">
  <option value="aaa">AAA</option>
  <option value="bbb">BBB</option>
  <option value="ccc">CCC</option>

Assign a class to all your DIVs for group manipulation:

<div id="aaa" class="tab">
  <p>AAA is incredible</p>
<div id="bbb" class="tab">
  <p>BBB is fantastic</p>
  <div id="ccc" class="tab">
<p>Wow CCC</p>

In the JS code, you can then manipulate all the DIVs based on matching or non-matching values.

function showExtra(option) {
    var divID = option.value;


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