How can we eliminate all elements from jQuery except for the first and second elements?


<div class="geo_select">
      <h3>header 3</h3> 

in Above HTML code i want to remove all element except <h3> and default content<div> inside the <div class='geo_select'> in jquery.. How to remove all element except first 2 element in jquery? in my above scenario?

Answer №1

There are multiple techniques in jQuery to accomplish this task

// If the child elements are different types
$('.geo_select > div:nth-of-type(n+3)').remove()

// If all child elements are the same type
$('.geo_select > div:nth-child(n+3)').remove()
$('.geo_select > div:gt(2)').remove()

// Using jQuery to narrow down the selection
$('.geo_select > div').slice(2).remove()

Alternatively, using CSS to hide the element.

.geo_select > div:nth-of-type(n+3){

Answer №2

If you prefer, CSS alone can get the job done.

.location_options > div:not(:first-of-type) {

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