The CSS navigation bar is not properly aligned in the center

This menu was constructed by me:
Upon closer inspection, it appears that the menu is not centered in the middle of the bar; rather, it is centered higher up. My goal is to have it positioned lower, right in the middle.

I had the idea to use margin-top: 26px since the bar's height is 53 pixels, but unfortunately, this did not produce any change. I also attempted using margin: 0 auto and text-align:center.

After reading a post on STACKOVERFLOW, I learned that the issue could be related to floating elements, but I am looking for a solution that will position the menu lower without floating it.

Thank you!

Answer №1

Adding line height using line-height is not sufficient. Update: Turns out the line-height workaround doesn't do the trick!!! Instead, applying the following CSS to the <a> tag works:

width: auto;
display: inline-block;

Check it out on Fiddle:

Answer №2

One suggestion is to adjust the line-height of the links to match the height of the bar, which is currently set at 53 pixels in this scenario.

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