Determining the repetition and placement of background images when employing multiple backgrounds

Is it possible to apply two background images to the same div? I want one image to repeat along the x-axis and the other to appear only once.

I've tried using multiple background images, but I'm not sure how to target specific rules for each background. Background 1 should repeat along the x-axis with a position of top, while Background 2 should not repeat and have a position of top right.

If this isn't achievable with multiple backgrounds, do I need to resort to using separate nested divs?

Check out my JS Fiddle here:

The grey background should cover the entire top of the container, while the ribbon should remain in place.

Answer №1

Unfortunately, I don't have a test readily available, but could you confirm if this solution is effective?

background:url(bg1.png) top left repeat-x, url(bg2.png) top right no-repeat;

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