Is it possible to stack one Canvas on top of another?

Right now, I am engaged in a process that involves:

  • creating a canvas and attaching it to a division
  • applying a background image through CSS to that canvas.
  • drawing a hex grid on the canvas
  • placing PNGs on the canvas.
  • animating those PNGs to show "movement".

Unfortunately, constantly redrawing the entire canvas, including the stationary PNGs, is becoming cumbersome.

I am considering whether it would be more efficient to have a single canvas for the background/hex grid and generate the PNGs on additional, smaller canvas elements which are then layered on top of the background canvas using zIndex. This approach could simplify the animations (moving PNGs).

However, I am facing difficulties when it comes to accurately positioning the "new" canvases at the correct x/y coordinates relative to the background canvas.

this.drawShipImage = function(name, id, x, y){

    var div = document.getElementById("grid");
        // the initial large canvas with background is created elsewhere but has the same width/height as "grid"

    var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); = name + id;
        canvas.width = 30;
        canvas.height = 30; = "absolute"; = 1;    

    var context = canvas.getContext("2d");
        context.scale(0.75, 0.75);
        context.drawImage(ship, 0, 0);


This function essentially requires two key parameters, namely the x/y values where the new canvas should be positioned in relation to the width/height of the background canvas. I am currently unable to find a solution to ensure that the image appears at the correct coordinates.

It seems like the only way it could potentially work is by adding = x/y-ish into the equation ?

Answer №1

One effective approach could be to utilize a secondary canvas or an image element to hold your background, as this will result in fewer redraws compared to the animated foreground.

This strategy is especially beneficial when working with devices equipped with a GPU, as the background element can be cached in the GPU and redraw swiftly in contrast to the relatively slower rendering of the animating foreground canvas.

To achieve this, you can leverage the position CSS property to stack two elements:

  1. Enclose your two canvases (or canvas + img elements) within a wrapping div.
  2. Assign a relative positioning to the wrapper div using its position property (which dictates that children will be positioned relative to the wrapper, not the page).
  3. Set the position of the two canvases (or canvas + img elements) to 'absolute' to enable them to be positioned relative to the wrapper.
  4. Specify the values for the top and left properties as 0 to ensure they overlap. While setting these values to zero is optional due to their default settings being zero, explicitly doing so enhances clarity.


<div id='wrapper'>
    <canvas id="canvasBottom" width=300 height=200></canvas>
    <canvas id="canvasTop" width=300 height=200></canvas>


    position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px;
    border:1px solid green;
    border:1px solid red;

Answer №2

Layering Canvases with KineticJS

When it comes to layering canvas elements, KineticJS by Eric Rowell makes it a breeze. This library is a valuable tool for working with the HTML5 canvas element.

Although no longer actively maintained, KineticJS remains very stable. Download it here: KineticJS Download

Explore the documentation here: KineticJS Reference

By looking at examples online, you'll quickly see that each node in KineticJS functions as its own canvas element. The library excels in layering canvas elements using groups and other techniques.

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