Listening for an event or using a CSS pseudo-class to detect when the scrollbar becomes

Are there any JavaScript event listeners or CSS pseudo classes that can detect when a scrollbar appears and disappears? For example, on Mac OS and Windows Internet Explorer 10 or newer, the scrollbars are hidden by default but appear when scrolling begins. I would like to be able to determine when the scrollbars are visible and hidden.

var doscroll = false,
        $html = $('html'),
$(window).on('scroll', function () {
    if (!doscroll) {
        doscroll = true;
    timer = setTimeout(function () {
        doscroll = false;
    }, 2000);

However, clicking on the scrollbar without actually scrolling causes the doscroll class to be removed, and it is unclear exactly when to remove the doscroll class. Does anyone have a better solution or idea for this issue?

Answer №1

Unfortunately, the presence of scrollbars is not consistent across implementations.

According to the specification:

The scrolling mechanism varies depending on the user agent. While scrollbars are common, other mechanisms such as panners, hand cursors, and page flickers are also possible.

As a result, some implementations may not display scrollbars at all, while others always show them. This inconsistency renders certain events related to scrollbars meaningless.

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