Customizing the style of react-select is essential for creating a unique and visually appealing user experience

I am looking to maintain the visual style of my input fields to match that of a react-select component. I have been advised to use styled-components, yet I am uncertain about which styles need to be adjusted in order to achieve the desired outcome. Ideally, I would like to eliminate the border, focus glow, and display it inline while keeping everything else intact. Should I make modifications to .Select-menu-outer?

Check out an example of one of my custom input fields here

View my CSS style here

Answer №1

If you're looking to customize the appearance of react-select components, be sure to refer to the documentation for guidance.

const customStyles = {
  container: base => {(
    backgroundColor: {/* Insert your color here */}
  option: base => {(
    backgroundColor: {/* Insert your color here */}

<Select styles={customStyles} />

With react-select, you have the ability to style various components to suit your needs. By targeting specific components and utilizing states, the customization options are endless.

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