I am experiencing an issue with mydaterangepicker and primeng where it is not displaying properly in the table header. Can anyone assist me with this

I am attempting to integrate mydaterangepicker () with primeng turbotable (since primeng calendar does not meet the requirements), but I am having trouble with its display. Could you please assist me with some CSS code or suggest an alternative solution?

Here is the link to my source code, thank you: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-fv53c6

Answer №1

To improve the calendar display, move it out of the cell and into a more visible position by adding the following code to your app.component.css:

::ng-deep .mydrp { position:absolute !important; }
::ng-deep .selectorarrow { position:absolute !important; }
::ng-deep .mydrp .selectiongroup {
    margin-left: 12px;
    top: -18px;
    display: inline-table !important;
    border: 1px solid #CCC !important; 
::ng-deep .mydrp { border:none !important; }
::ng-deep body .ui-table .ui-table-thead > tr > th { height:45px !important; }

You can also view the working demo that has been customized based on your stackblitz

Answer №2

The reason your date picker is not visible is that the overflow property of its parent element is set to hidden.

To fix this issue, you should include overflow:visible in the styles of both the parent container of your my-date-range-picker and the div with

class="ui-table-scrollable-header ui-widget-header"

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