Save room for text that shows up on its own

I am currently dealing with a situation where text appears conditionally and when it does, it causes the rest of the page to be pushed down.

Does anyone know the best way to reserve the space for this text even when it's not visible so that I can prevent these unwanted push downs?

Absolutely positioning elements or giving fixed heights to containers is not an option for me.

An example code snippet is provided below. Simply click the button to see how the green box gets pushed.

new Vue({
  el: "#app",
  data: {
    message: "hello",

<script src=""></script>
<div id="app">
  <button @click="push=!push">click me to push</button>
  <p v-show="push">{{message}}</p>
  <div id="push-down"></div>

Answer №1

To achieve your desired outcome, simply adjust the CSS property visibility on the specified element.

By setting this property to hidden, you can hide the element while still maintaining the space it occupies when visible. To make the element visible again, just set visibility to visible. For more information, refer to the MDN documentationVisit MDN docs for details.

Answer №2

If you have information about the element's height, one option is to enclose it within a div that has a set height.

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