"Exploring the Power of Internal Hyperlinks in HTML

As I embark on my first website building journey, I am faced with a dilemma regarding internal links. While everything runs smoothly locally, none of the internal links seem to work once the site is live. Take for instance this internal link:

<a href ="file:///C:/Users/17249/OneDrive/Dive%20Platform/National%20Popular%20Vote.html">Read More</a>

I am aware of why this particular link doesn't function, but what can I do in place of it if the intended link does not exist yet? How exactly can I go about creating sub pages for my website?

Thank you in advance for your insights!

Answer №1

Here is a straightforward example: On the server, you can't use absolute paths, but you can use relative paths by using .. to go back to the parent directory or . to stay in the current directory when linking to the necessary file.

If you haven't created a page yet, you can leave it as #, like this:

<a href="#">Click here</a>

Answer №2

If you want to add relative links to your website, you can do so on each individual page. For example, let's say your site structure looks like this:




To create a link from index.html to category-a.html, use the following code: 
<a href="./category-a.html">category a</a>

For a link from category-a.html to category-a/page1.html, use this code: 
<a href="./category-a/page1.html">page 1 of category a</a>

And if you want a link from category-a/page1.html back to index.html, you would use:
<a href="../index.html">Home</a>

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