CSS Trick: Applying first-of-type selector to specific instances of a div

I'm currently grappling with how to specify that a 'first-of-type' should only be present on specific instances of a div. For instance, suppose I have a class called ".maintext" and in some cases I want the first paragraph to feature a dropcap while in others I do not.

Typically, I use the following approach:

.maintext { font, border, etc }
.maintext p:first-of-type:first-letter { css for the dropcap }

However, this results in every <div class='maintext'> triggering the appearance of the dropcap. How can I signify in the HTML when I want the dropcap to appear and when I don't, so as to adhere to DRY principles?

My standard HTML structure for this scenario is as follows:

<div class="maintext>
<p>some text</p>
<p>some text</p>

Answer №1

Don't complicate things. Simply assign a class to your paragraph tags and use it wherever you need, regardless of the container.

p.dropCap:first-letter {
  font: bold 28px Georgia;

If you only want the first paragraph of .contentText to have a drop cap, follow these steps:

.contentText p:first-child:first-letter {
  font: bold 28px Georgia;

Alternatively, you can also utilize :first-line if you prefer to style the entire first line.

Answer №2

@Nimsrules provided the accurate answer. I will simply include it here in case you prefer an alternative method.

.maintext { font, border, etc }
.maintext p:not(.nodropcap):first-of-type:first-letter { css for the dropcap }

Here is the HTML code:

<div class="maintext>
    <p class="nodropcap">some text</p>
    <p>some text</p>

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