Tips on elevating a dragged div above all other elements when utilizing two scrollbars

Currently, I have two horizontal scrollers where I need to drag a div from the upper scroller to the lower scroller. While this functionality is working properly, there is an issue with the dragged div getting lost under the borders of the scroller during the drag process. The dragging functionality comes from the combination of jquery-UI and the smoothdivscroll plugin.

Is there a way to address this problem or should I consider starting over?

For reference, here is the link to the code on

List of jQuery plugins being used:


Here is the HTML code snippet:

<div id="wrapper">
    <div id="mainColumn" >
        <div id="mixedContent2" >
            <div class="koko_koira" style="background-color:#4254a3;color:white;">
            <!-- more content here -->
        <div id="mixedContent" >
            <div class="contentBox" style="background-color:#4254a3;color:white;">
            <!-- more content here -->

And here is the CSS styling applied:

#wrapper {

/* More CSS rules... */

#mixedCoontent .contentBox p {
    font-size: 10px;

/* More CSS rules... */

Finally, the JavaScript/jQuery functions utilized are as follows:

$(document).ready(function() {
    // Initialize smoothDivScroll for first container

$( ".koko_koira" ).draggable({
    revert: "invalid",
    helper: "clone",
    cursor: "move",

$( ".contentBox" ).droppable({
    activeClass: "ui-state-default",
    hoverClass: "ui-state-hover",
    drop: function(event, ui) {

Answer №1

Experimenting with the CSS properties overflow: hidden and overflow: visible on div.scrollWrapper is recommended during drag and drop interactions. Additionally, it may be necessary to reconsider how the top scrollers are positioned.

A revised example (although it disrupts the layout during dragging) can be accessed via this link.

During dragging, pay attention to these drag events:

drag: function() {
    $('div.scrollWrapper').css('overflow', 'visible');
stop: function() {
    $('div.scrollWrapper').css('overflow', 'hidden');

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