`CSS Animation fails to run in Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge browsers`

My issue with the CSS animation is that while the opacity animates properly, the translate effect does not seem to work as expected.

You can see the problem here: https://jsfiddle.net/bLxb8k3s/

It appears that the reason for this issue is because IE and Edge are unable to animate between a translateY and a translate property.

To test this theory, I replaced my translate(0, 0) with translateY(0) in a different example: https://jsfiddle.net/gy129xyw/1/

Surprisingly, it worked in this scenario.

However, I prefer to keep using translate(0, 0) in my keyframes as it is a commonly used property for me in various animations across different pages.

Do you believe I may have overlooked something in my code, or is this truly a bug specific to IE and Edge browsers?

Your input would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

It seems that using a percentage in translate(%, %) can cause issues. I found that changing it to a fixed pixel value solved the problem. And remember to include the necessary prefixes!

Check out this example on jsFiddle

span {
    display: block;
    position: relative;
    transform: translateY(200px);
    -webkit-transform: translateY( 200px );
    -ms-transform: translateY( 200px );
    animation: slideIn .7s .7s both;

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