Chrome page loading with smooth color transitions

Setting global colors on links and transitions on their color:

a {
  color: blue;
  transition: color 300ms linear; }

Later in the code, there's more specific styling for links in the navigation:

nav a { color: red; }
nav a:hover { color: black; }

Here's the simple HTML structure:

    <li><a href="#">Link 1</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link 2</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">Link 3</a></li>

Expected Behavior:

  • Navigation links inherit color transition
  • Hovering on navigation links smoothly changes their color

Issue: When the page loads in Chrome, links start with a default color or the global link color before transitioning to the correct color immediately.

This issue seems to be Chrome-specific. Attempted to replicate it on JSFiddle, but it didn't occur there.

Is there a way to prevent the transition from happening on page load?

Answer №1

I encountered a similar issue that didn't bother me until I noticed that the initial transition was not starting properly, resulting in an unintended color on my button.

Fortunately, I came across a helpful post on css-tricks that provided a solution to rectify my problem.

The suggested fix involves disabling all animations until the dom is fully loaded. If you're using Angular, you can eliminate the class using ng-init or any other directive.

I hope this information proves useful to you.

Answer №2

After extensive research on setting conditions for an element's parent, I discovered that the available relative selectors such as :has(), :parent, and :not() were not able to resolve the issue at hand.
It seems there may not be a straightforward solution to this problem (although I would be delighted to be proven wrong).
However, I do have two alternative ideas that may be worth considering!

Firstly, consider placing the transition within the hover state of the element.
By doing this, you can avoid any transition conflicts in CSS, as shown in the example below:

a:hover {
    transition: all 1s; // including vendor prefixes
    color: #666;

nav a:hover {
    transition: all 1s; // including vendor prefixes
    color: #AAA;

Alternatively, you can differentiate the <a></a> tags by assigning specific classes and selecting them accordingly, as demonstrated here:

a.parentIsNotNav {
    // styles here

a.parentIsNav {
    // styles here

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