Horizontal rule spans the full width of the content, appearing within an ordered list

Check out this example to see the issue with the horizontal rule not extending all the way across under the number. I've tried using list-style-position:inside;, but that interferes with positioning the number correctly due to the left image being floated. Any suggestions for a CSS solution, or do I have to manually generate numbering and style it accordingly?

Answer №1

It appears that you are quite knowledgeable about the list-style-position property, which is why you understand why the horizontal rule does not extend all the way underneath the bullet or number. The padding on the left of the list is causing the list elements to be pushed to the right, keeping their contents within their designated space :).

To address this issue, I found a solution here: http://jsfiddle.net/J4b6Y/14/


For webkit browsers, here is a fix: http://jsfiddle.net/J4b6Y/16/


This solution works in all browsers and even has valid HTML o_O http://jsfiddle.net/J4b6Y/37/


And yet another option... http://jsfiddle.net/J4b6Y/39/

Answer №3

My recommendation would be to eliminate the hr tag and the floating image properties.

If you are unable to utilize the image as a css background, consider the following approach:


    <img src="" alt="test"/>


    border-bottom:1px solid black;
li p{

Furthermore, by removing the p tag, you can save a few bytes in your code.

Answer №4

After reviewing the various responses to this question, it appears that while there may be methods to achieve this using CSS, an elegant solution is not readily available. In my opinion, I find it more effective to create the numbering within the HTML code and style it accordingly. This approach can be easily implemented when generating the page through server-side scripting.

I will continue to explore potential elegant solutions using CSS and will update this question if I come across any.

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