Strategies for Resolving the IE 8 Issue with Table Row Background Images

Looking for some assistance with this issue. The solution I found doesn't seem to be working properly in IE 8.

In short, when you add a background image to a table row, the background is showing up in all the inner cells as well.

Answer №1

If you want to have a background image on a table row that is compatible with IE8, Safari, and Chrome, the trick is to apply the background image to the table cells within the row rather than directly to the row itself.

For instance, consider the following table:

    <td class="cellFirst">First cell</td>
    <td class="cellMiddle">Middle cell</td>
    <td class="cellMiddle">Middle cell</td>
    <td class="cellLast">Last cell</td>

By applying the CSS below:

td.cellFirst {
  background: url('my-image.png') 0 0 no-repeat;

td.cellMiddle {
  background: url('my-image.png') 50% 0 no-repeat;

td.cellLast {
  background: url('my-image.png') 100% 0 no-repeat;

You can achieve a 'row' with a background image by using the same image for each cell within the row. The key is adjusting the background position of the image for each cell. Starting from the left for the first cell (position at 0), hiding the left edge for middle cells (positioned at 50%), and starting from the right edge for the last cell (positioned at 100%).

With this method, you can successfully add a background image to a row in your table.

Answer №2

A more effective solution would be to implement the following method: Include position:relative in the TR and remove the background-image:none from the TD.

It has been reported to work on all browsers except Mac Safari. To address this issue, enclose the TR block within a TBODY block and assign the background to the TBODY block ;)


Answer №3

Please include the style 'background-image:none' to the td elements within the specified tr.

Answer №4

Can the "row" image assigned to tables with background position depend on equal column sizes? What if the image size doesn't fill the entire row? Below is the CSS that functions correctly in FF:

tr.selected { background: #0842C4 url(/my/background/image) repeat-y top right; }

The image is a gradient starting at color #0842C4.

To make things more difficult, the HTML is a JavaScript-created popup menu that I cannot modify, so adjusting the table is not an option.

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