Why isn't a single click enough to activate an anchor generated with the Sidr jQuery library in Rails?

I am utilizing a library named Sidr to generate sidebars. I have included all the necessary jQuery and CSS, and while it is operational, I find that I need to double click instead of just one click to open the sidebar.

Here is the code snippet. I essentially want to replicate this example, but it requires two clicks to function:

<a id="left-menu" href="#left-menu">Left Menu</a>
<a id="right-menu" href="#right-menu">Right Menu</a>
$(document).ready(function() {
name: 'sidr-left',
side: 'left' // Default value
name: 'sidr-right',
side: 'right'

Removing TurboLinks resolves the issue, although I do require TurboLinks functionality as well.

Any recommendations or alternatives?

Answer №1

There was an issue between the Sidr library and Turbolinks in the Rails 3.2 version.

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