Customizing the appearance of Jquery UI Accordion Headers

Trying to integrate the JQuery UI accordion into my JQuery UI modal dialog has been causing some alignment issues. Despite following code examples found online, such as, I suspect that the problem lies in CSS styling.

My setup includes JQuery UI 1.8.7 and JQuery 1.7.2.

The Issue: The arrow and header vertical bar within the accordion are not properly aligned with the header, resulting in a messy appearance. Ideally, I would like them all to be on the same line. A screenshot of the problem can be viewed here:

Any assistance in resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated!

Upon inspecting the elements using FireFox's Ctrl-Shift-I, I noticed: The CSS styles affecting the accordion element: The CSS properties applied to the header element within the accordion:

Answer №1

If you could provide us with a link to access the code, it would greatly aid in resolving your issue. Additionally, I recommend updating to the newest Firefox version, accessing your webpage, and using Ctrl+Shift+I to inspect the element causing trouble. This simple method can swiftly pinpoint the problematic CSS.

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