Creative Vue.js and Tailwind CSS card layout featuring an image extending beyond the boundaries of the card

I'm attempting to design a card where an image pops out of the card. I've tried using z-index, but it doesn't seem to be working as expected. Here is the code I have:

<div class="flex flex-col">
            <div class="shadow-2xl rounded-xl w-96 h-96 pb-8 px-8 relative">
                <button class="z-50 mb-10">
                  <img src="../assets/person.svg" alt="" />
                <p class="text-center bt-smalltitle font-bold pb-4">
                  Name Surname

                <div class="flex items-center justify-center pb-4">
                    class="bg-black rounded-2xl text-center text-white bt-book px-2 py-1.5"
                    40$ Per session

                <div class="flex flex-row items-stretch justify-between pb-5">


                <p class="text-center bt-smalltext">
                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Eum
                  placeat aperiam tempora.

Additionally, I would like the image to have a sticky position so that if the size of the card changes, the position of the image adjusts accordingly.

Here is an example of what I'm aiming for:

Answer №1

To ensure your image is properly positioned, set its position to relative and subtract half the margin bottom from the height of your div container. You can center everything by using flex properties (I added the items-center class to your second div in your code)

  <div class="py-20">
    <div class="flex flex-col items-center">
      <!-- Image placement -->
      <div class="bg-white h-32 w-32 rounded-full relative -mb-16">
        <button class="z-50">
          <img src="../assets/person.svg" alt="" />
      <!-- Content Card placement -->
      <div class="shadow-2xl rounded-xl w-96 h-96 pb-8 px-8 relative pt-24">
          <p class="text-center bt-smalltitle font-bold pb-4">Name Surname</p>

          <div class="flex items-center justify-center pb-4">
              class="bg-black rounded-2xl text-center text-white bt-book px-2 py-1.5"
              40$ Per session

          <div class="flex flex-row items-stretch justify-between pb-5">


          <p class="text-center bt-smalltext">
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Eum placeat
            aperiam tempora.

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