Is there a way to confirm if all div elements have a designated background color?

I have a scenario where I have dynamically added several divs with a specific class to my webpage. These divs change color when the user hovers over them. I am trying to trigger a specific function once the last div has been set to a particular background color, but despite my efforts, I have not been successful so far. Any insights or help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the code snippet from my latest attempt:

var counter=0;
$(".orb").each(function () {
    if ($(this).css("background-color") === "#ede74a") {
if (counter === orbarray.length) { //all backgrounds have been set

Answer №1

To simplify things, consider adding a class to the elements and keeping track of that class.

    var $orb = $(".orb"); 
    if($orb.filter('.hovered').length === $orb.length){
       alert('All hovered!');

The mentioned colors are unclear, but this method can be adjusted for multiple classes if necessary.

Keep in mind that browsers store colors as either rgb or rgba, not as hex values.

Answer №2

The code you've provided lacks clarity regarding the value of orbarray. It's also unusual that you are checking the equality of counter with the length of that array outside of the $.each() callback.

However, if I understand correctly, you want to trigger a specific function when the last <div> is hovered over. This indicates the need for an event handler for the mouseenter event, and then verifying in that handler whether all elements have been hovered over. Using a class instead of inline CSS will provide a more efficient way to track hovered elements.

Consider the following example:

function checkOrbs() {
  var $orbs = $('.orb'),
      $activeOrbs = $orbs.filter('.active');

  if ($orbs.length === $activeOrbs.length) {

$('.orb').on('mouseenter', function(e) {
  var $target = $(;



Simply apply your background color using CSS:

.active {
  background-color: #ffcc00;

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