It is not possible for me to modify the attributes in responsive mode without first generating a new class within the tag

In order to make the attribute work in a responsive manner, I believe I need to create a class within the h2 tag. However, I am unsure where the issue lies. Could it possibly be related to the browser? Check out the image below for reference: this is my problem

I feel like it should function properly without having to create a class in the HTML tag.

Answer №1

It appears that the media query is located on line 191, while the same class without the media query is found on line 197.

To ensure proper styling hierarchy, consider placing your media queries towards the end of the stylesheet or after the corresponding classes.

In CSS, styles are applied in a top-down fashion.

Styles declared lower down in the stylesheet will take precedence over those declared above them.

If needed, you can also use the !important declaration within your media queries to override any conflicting styles.

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