Creating a zebra-striped list using CSS can be done by styling even and odd list items differently

I am facing an issue with Angularjs and the table tag when using group loops. The problem arises in achieving correct zebra striping for the list. How can I solve this to ensure the zebra pattern is applied correctly?

table tbody tr:nth-child(4n-1), table tbody tr:nth-child(4n+1)  {
    background: #ccc;

The current solution is not working as expected..

Answer №1

Consider using the tbody element at the start and end of a table to avoid repetition with every row. The use of tbody signifies the table body, while thead represents the table head, meaning a table should have one body.

table tbody tr:nth-child(2n)  {
    background: #ccc;

Answer №2


If you find yourself needing to style the HTML layout without altering its structure, particularly if it's being dynamically loaded and inaccessible for editing, consider incorporating a few lines of JavaScript, like this:

var allTheTrs = document.querySelectorAll('tr');

for(var [index,tr] of allTheTrs.entries()){
if(index % 2 == 1){
.color-me {
background: pink;
 ... table code here ...


If editing the HTML is an option, consider nesting all <trs> within a single <tbody>, as demonstrated below:

... nested tr elements here ...

Then apply this CSS rule to target either odd or even children:

table tr:nth-child(odd){
background: pink;

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