What is the effect of SEO on the use of image width and height attributes for a responsive website

Is it true that setting inline width and height for all images is beneficial for SEO and can improve site loading speed? Here's an example:

<img src="http://www.example.com/images/free-size.jpg" width="200" height="400" alt="random image" />

Even though I can still override the inline settings using height:auto;, allowing images to resize properly on different display platforms.

Before making any changes, I want to confirm if these statements are accurate. Personally, I have doubts about fixing the inline dimensions and then overriding them with external CSS; it seems a bit hacky to me...

Answer №1

It has been suggested that setting inline width and height for images can benefit SEO and improve site loading speed.

Indeed, historically this has been the case, particularly in terms of faster website loading times.

By defining the height and width attributes of an <img> element, the browser can allocate a space with those specific dimensions for the image while it continues to process the rest of the HTML document. This results in a smoother rendering process as the browser already knows where to place the image without needing to make adjustments after loading it.

This proactive approach to sizing enhances the overall rendering speed.

In comparison, if the width and height attributes are not specified, the browser must wait until the image is fully downloaded before determining its size, leading to potential reflows of the document and slowing down the rendering process.

Consider a scenario with 50 images lacking defined width and height attributes - the impact on performance could be significant.

The concept outlined above reflects the more traditional perspective on image loading.

However, there are opposing viewpoints suggesting that for responsive design, avoiding width and height attributes may be beneficial.

In Responsive Design, width or height attributes are typically omitted

Many responsive websites opt out of specifying width or height to allow images to adjust to varying screen sizes. Using fixed dimensions with <img> might hinder user experience, which Google considers crucial.


Both arguments have merit, and the most suitable approach depends on individual circumstances. Before making a decision, here are some additional resources to consider:

  • Benefits of Specifying Image Dimensions for Browser Performance
  • Choosing Between Image Width/Height Attributes or CSS Styling

Answer №2

I was advised that setting inline width and height for images can benefit SEO and improve website loading speed.

However, it doesn't necessarily speed up the site's loading time. Instead, it helps prevent flickering during page rendering. To enhance image loading speed, ensure they are sized correctly as specified on the page and consider using a tool like kraken.io to reduce file sizes.

Regarding SEO, using improper image sizes and widths for different screen sizes can negatively impact your ranking. Google may perceive your site as unfriendly to users or mobile devices.

Answer №3

When the browser is not provided with the size of images, it has to reconstruct the page multiple times - first to display text, then again after each image download to adjust the layout and wrap text around the image. This repetitive process occurs for every image on the page.

On the other hand, specifying image dimensions upfront allows the browser to know the size in advance and shape the page accordingly without the need for continuous rebuilding.

Answer №4

My preferred method involves leveraging the aspect ratio property in CSS for optimal results.

.image-wrapper {
    max-width: 600px;
    aspect-ratio: 16/9; 
    overflow: hidden;

Implementing the above CSS code will allocate a designated space for the image, reducing any potential reflow issues.

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