Anti-aliasing with @font-face in Internet Explorer versions 7 through 9

Having some trouble getting @font-face to display correctly in IE, and I haven't found a solution yet.

I've looked into this resource: but unfortunately it didn't work on my Windows 7 IE.

Does anyone have a better suggestion?

Answer №1

After much consideration, I have reached a conclusion that satisfies me.

When it comes to text that must display perfectly across different browsers with anti-aliasing, my preference is for a Cufon/JavaScript solution. In my experience, @font-face simply does not provide the same level of consistency in rendering.

However, for text that doesn't require such precision and was originally styled with web fonts like Arial or Verdana, I am willing to accept the additional download time in exchange for a more visually appealing font throughout the site.

Therefore, the answer to the question is clear: it is not feasible to control browser anti-aliasing through front-end CSS methods.

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