Unveiling the Mystery: Why YUI-3 Grids & Google Chrome Cause Overlapping Texts

Although I'm not well-versed in UI design, I find myself having to work on some CSS for a side project. Currently, I am utilizing YUI-3 files such as grids, reset, and fonts, all version 3.9.1.

The main issue I am encountering is that the text inside my h2 tag is overlapping with an accent box of fixed width, specifically in Chrome. Interestingly, this problem does not occur in Firefox, Safari, or IE9. Does anyone have any insights into this?

Here is how the overlapping looks in Chrome:

And here is how it appears in Firefox:

You may notice that the number 26 is hovering over the left accent in Chrome, even though the accent box has a fixed width of 6px.

-- Update --

To investigate if the problem lies within my custom css, I moved a code snippet out for testing. Surprisingly, even with a basic setup, there seems to be a gap on the right side in Chrome, potentially causing the text overlap issue. It is likely being triggered by the YUI reset.css file.

For the code snippet, click here:

Answer №1

After casually browsing through the YUI Css libraries, I stumbled upon a note that caught my attention: 'Note: The file "grids.css" is deprecated, use "cssgrids.css" instead.' Without hesitation, I made the necessary change and was pleased to see the page render exactly as expected.

Additionally, I recently discovered that the developers have introduced YUI Normalize, offering a fresh approach to browser normalization compared to Base + Reset. I am definitely intrigued and plan to explore its benefits further.

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