Creating a variable with the use of @include

Here's a question that I need help with. I have a SASS @include function that dynamically calculates the font size.

h2 {
   @include rfs(2rem);

I use this to adjust the font size based on screen resolution, but I'm facing an issue where a grey background doesn't resize accordingly as the font shrinks.

I was thinking if it's possible to turn @include rfs(2rem) into a variable, then perhaps something like this might work:

$fs: @include rfs(2rem);

.grey-background {
   height: calc(#{$fs} + 3vh);

I'm not sure if this should be turned into a @mixin or if there's another solution... I just want the grey background to adjust automatically with the changing font size.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

Answer №1

Have you considered using the SASS @function? It might be what you need:

@function adjustFontSize($size) {
  @return ...

$textSize: adjustFontSize(2rem);

.blue-background {
   height: calc( #{$textSize} + 3vh );

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