Having issues with image hover and click functionality

My website has an image with the cursor set to pointer and a function that should show a hidden element when clicked. However, it's not working at all. When I hover over it or click on it, nothing happens. Here is a screenshot of the issue along with the relevant code. Can anyone help me figure this out? Thanks!


  <div class="font-wrap">
    <div class="wrapper">
      <p class="talk-bubble">
       Join the Conversation
        <p class="sign-in">
          Sign In to Comment
        <img class="sign-in-img" src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/sign-in.png" />


.pagecontent .cols .col.two .font-wrap {
  font-family: Verdana;

.pagecontent .cols .col.two .wrapper {
.pagecontent .cols .col.two .wrapper .sign-in-img {
  cursor: pointer;

.pagecontent .cols .col.two .wrapper .sign-in-img:hover {
  cursor: pointer;

.pagecontent .cols .col.two .sign-in {
  font-size: .6em;
  color: #808C8D;

.pagecontent .cols .col.two .talk-bubble {
  border:1px solid #3A7DBA;
  padding: 15px;
  color: #3A7DBA;

.pagecontent .cols .col.two .talk-bubble:before, .talk-bubble:after {
  width: 20px;
  border:20px solid transparent;

.pagecontent .cols .col.two .talk-bubble:before {
  border-bottom:20px solid #3A7DBA;

.pagecontent .cols .col.two .talk-bubble:after {     
  border-bottom:20px solid #CDE5F7;


  $( ".sign-in-img" ).click(function() {

Answer №1

There is a connection to be made with your Selector:

.pagecontent .cols .col.two .wrapper .sign-in-img

This particular selector does not lead you to the desired image. To resolve this, you can use:

  cursor: pointer;

By the way, if you find yourself using it frequently, I recommend creating this css code snippet:

  cursor: pointer;

Then, simply add the class "curspoint" to all tags where you are utilizing it! For example:

<img class="sign-in-img cursPoint" src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/images/sign-in.png" />

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