Creating a dynamic visual experience with Angular 2: How to implement multiple font colors

I have a text area which is connected to one string, with the default text color set to white.

<textarea style="background-color: black;color:#fff;" [(ngModel)]="outputText"></textarea>

The connected string contains multiple variables.

return this.outputText = this.test1 + " test1Stat" + this.test2 + " test2Stat" + this.test3 + " test3Stat";

I am looking for a way to display "test1 test1Stat" in red if test1 is less than 1, while displaying everything else in green. Is there a method to achieve this?

Answer №1

Unfortunately, coloring specific parts of text within a textarea is not feasible.

However, an alternative approach would be to utilize the 'contenteditable' property instead.


border:black solid 1px;
    <div contenteditable="true">text text <span class='greenText'>GREEN TEXT</span> more text that you can edit</div>

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