Creating a sticky section with Tailwind CSS utility classes

I have a page in my Next.js web app, and I want to make the section highlighted in blue (wrapped in <aside> tag) sticky so that it stays in place while scrolling, with only the main section containing the chart scrolling.

The code snippet below is from the layout.tsx file:

import { dashboardConfig } from "@/config/dashboard";
import { MainNav } from "@/components/nav/main-nav";
import { DashboardNav } from "@/components/nav/dashboard-nav";

interface DashboardLayoutProps {
  children?: React.ReactNode;

export default async function DashboardLayout({
}: DashboardLayoutProps) {
  return (
    <div className="flex min-h-dvh flex-col relative">
      <header className="container z-40 bg-background">
        <MainNav />
      <div className="container grid flex-1 gap-12 md:grid-cols-[200px_1fr] mt-32 mb-12 relative">
        <aside className="hidden w-[200px] flex-col md:flex sticky top-0">
          <DashboardNav items={dashboardConfig.sidebarNav} />
        <main className="flex w-full flex-1 flex-col overflow-hidden">

Even after applying the classes sticky and top-0, the desired sticky behavior is not working. What could be the issue?

Answer №1

One way to achieve a sticky effect for an element is by applying align-self: start using self-start. By default, the element would stretch to match the full height of its parent grid element, resulting in no sticky effect being visible. But when you apply align-self: start, the element will only be as tall as its content, thus allowing the sticky effect to work properly if there is vertical free space available.

const dashboardConfig = { sidebarNav: '' };
const MainNav = () => 'MainNav';
const DashboardNav = () => 'DashboardNav';

function DashboardLayout({
}) {
  return (
    <div className="flex min-h-dvh flex-col relative">
      <header className="container z-40 bg-background">
        <MainNav />
      <div className="container grid flex-1 gap-12 md:grid-cols-[200px_1fr] mt-32 mb-12 relative">
        <aside className="hidden w-[200px] flex-col md:flex sticky top-0 self-start">
          <DashboardNav items={dashboardConfig.sidebarNav} />
        <main className="flex w-full flex-1 flex-col overflow-hidden">

function App() {
  return (
      <div class="h-[200vh]"></div>

<script src="" integrity="sha512-8Q6Y9XnTbOE+JNvjBQwJ2H8S+UV4uA6hiRykhdtIyDYZ2TprdNmWOUaKdGzOhyr4dCyk287OejbPvwl7lrfqrQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha512-MOCpqoRoisCTwJ8vQQiciZv0qcpROCidek3GTFS6KTk2+y7munJIlKCVkFCYY+p3ErYFXCjmFjnfTTRSC1OHWQ==" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script>
<script src=""></script>

<div id="app"></div>

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