What is the best method for extracting the innerHTML value of html tags using a css selector or xpath?

I am currently struggling with retrieving the HTML inner text value using CSS selector or XPath. While I can achieve this using document.getElementById, I am unable to do so using selectors. I can only print the tag element but not the text from it.

For example:

<li class="active">
  <span id="lastPrice">1,603.35</span>
  &nbsp;&nbsp;<span id="CAToday"></span><br>
  <span class="up" id="change">28.80</span>

In the above HTML snippet, my goal is to extract 1,603.35 using either:

  • CSS

  • XPath

Although I have searched through various forums, I have been unsuccessful in finding a solution to my problem.

Answer №1

When utilizing this XPath syntax


Pairing it with properly structured XML like below

<li id="current" class="active">
  <span id="latestPrice">1,603.35</span>
  <span id="CAToday"></span>
  <span class="up" id="change">28.80</span>

Outcome will be


You can verify the results at

Answer №2

To utilize the XPath version 2 feature, you can make use of the matches function as shown below:

//div[matches(text(), 'Hello ?\w+ What are your plans for today \w+')]

This particular function does support the usage of regular expressions.

Answer №3

Example of using Java Selenium with XPath:


How to use Python Selenium with CSS Selector:


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