JS will reach its stopping point at the specified style.zIndex

I am currently in the process of setting up button elements. I have two scripts that correspond to different types of buttons - one script runs a simple collapse menu, while the other executes a more complex collapse by shifting depths and sliding one div over another. Everything seems to be functioning correctly except for the depth (zindex) switch. Whenever I implement the depth switch, it stops running anything beyond that point. Below is the specific script causing issues.

/* fetching all menu and page buttons */
var menuButtons = document.getElementsByClassName("menuButton");
var pageButtons = document.getElementsByClassName("pageButton");
/* initializing working array index */
var i;
/* IDs of previous and current content pages */
var prevPage;
var currentPage;
/* when a page button is clicked, set the prevPage to the lowest depth and slide the new page overtop */
for (i = 0; i < pageButtons.length; i++) {
  pageButtons[i].addEventListener("click", function() {
    /* fetching reference to target page from the button */
    var pageId = this.getAttribute("pageTarget");
    currentPage = document.getElementById(pageId);
    /* setting content page depths */
    prevPage.style.zIndex = "0";
    currentPage.style.zIndex = "1";
    /* setting the left position to start the page transition */
    currentPage.style.left = "100vw";
    alert("button clicked");
    /* triggering a delayed function to clear the previous page */
/* delayed function that transitions prevPage to its starting position */
function clearPrevPage() {
  setTimeout(function() {
    prevPage.style.left = "100vw";
    /* setting the variable for the next run */
    prevPage = currentPage;
  }, 400);

Answer №1

Before using prevPage, make sure it is not empty to avoid any errors:

/* accessing menu and page buttons */
var menuButtons = document.getElementsByClassName("menuButton");
var pageButtons = document.getElementsByClassName("pageButton");
/* defining index in array*/
var i;
/* id of previous and current content pages */
var prevPage;
var currentPage;
/* when a page button is clicked, set prevPage to lowest depth and animate new page over it */
for (i = 0; i < pageButtons.length; i++) {
  pageButtons[i].addEventListener("click", function() {
    /* getting the target page of the button */
    var pageId = this.getAttribute("pageTarget");
    currentPage = document.getElementById(pageId);
    /* setting depths for content pages */
    if (prevPage) prevPage.style.zIndex = "0";
    currentPage.style.zIndex = "1";
    /* starting page transition by setting left position */
    currentPage.style.left = "100vw";
    alert("button clicked");
    /* calling delayed function to clear previous page */
/* function to transition prevPage back to starting position after delay */
function clearPrevPage() {
  setTimeout(function() {
    if (prevPage) prevPage.style.left = "100vw";
    /* updating prevPage for next run */
    prevPage = currentPage;
  }, 400);
<button class="menuButton">menu</button>
<button class="pageButton" pageTarget="page1">page</button>
<div id="page1">page1</div>

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