Error encountered during Nuxt build: Syntax error on Line 1 of the SCSS component file

I'm currently working on a project in node 18.7.0 that utilizes nuxt 2.15.8. Within my Vue component, I have the following SCSS code:

<style lang="scss">

.Accordion {
  --Accordion__margin-top: 2.5rem;
   &__items {
        margin-top: calc(var(--Accordion__margin-top) * -1);

However, when I run a nuxt build, I encounter a postcss error with minimal information provided:

syntax error at line 1

Interestingly, if I make a simple change to the problematic line, such as this:

margin-top: var(--Accordion__margin-top);

The issue is resolved. Can you help me identify what might be causing this syntax problem?

Answer №1

One way I figured it out was by introducing a fresh variable called $margin-top

and then made changes to the line causing issues like this:

$margin-top :2.5rm;
`margin-top: calc(margin-top * -1);`

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