What is the best way to conceal floated elements with overflow in CSS?

How can I ensure that my block container element only displays the content of block elements, cutting off any floated elements that are taller than the parent container?

Applying overflow: hidden seemed like a simple solution, but it created a new block formatting context, causing the parent to use the height of the floated elements instead of the block elements. As a result, nothing actually gets hidden.

I'm looking for a more reliable solution than just setting a fixed height and hoping for the best. Plus, I'd prefer not to resort to using JavaScript. Any suggestions on how to achieve this goal?

Answer №1

If your situation allows for it, you may consider including


for the element that is floated.


However, this will cause the floated element to no longer float...

Instead of trying to hide floating elements, it might be beneficial to reassess your approach and find a different solution. If the goal is to hide an element, using classes and


would be more appropriate. Attempting to hide floating elements can seem like a workaround in my opinion...

Answer №2

When block elements are not floating, they will occupy the entire row causing floated elements to move below them, regardless of the float property. This can be seen in the example provided in ok's fiddle. To clarify your requirements further, it would be helpful to provide a visual representation or explanation.

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