Creating a series of menu image buttons with rollover effects using HTML and CSS

I am facing an issue with my navigation bar. I have 5 horizontally aligned .png buttons that I want to add rollover effects to using CSS, not Java.

After trying multiple solutions, I still can't seem to get it right. None of the methods I attempted worked as the images wouldn't even load... I'm feeling a bit lost at this point :) I have already placed them within one large div. Below is a snippet of my code:

<div id="img">
    <a id="anchor1" href="index.php" ></a>
    <img src="images/nav/spacer.png" alt="" class="btn"/>

    <a href="portfolio.php">
        <img src="images/nav/portfolio_btn.png" name="portfolio" width="128" height="51" border="0" class="btn" id="portfolio" alt="" />
    <img src="images/nav/spacer.png" alt="" class="btn"/>
    <a href="diensten.php"><img src="images/nav/diensten_btn.png" name="bestellen" width="125" height="51" border="0" class="btn" id="diensten" alt="" /></a>

Answer №1

If you're interested, I recommend checking out CSS sprites. There's a helpful tutorial on how to create a menu using CSS sprites here:

Answer №2

Experiment with placing images within an <a></a> tag and then defining a CSS style similar to the following:

background-image: url('your/image/path.jpg');

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