Tips on making Material-UI Drawer compress other content when it is open

Seeking assistance from those familiar with CSS and Material UI! I'm currently working on implementing a Material UI Drawer component that doesn't just slide out over the top of the page content, but actually causes the page content to adjust around it by squeezing or expanding. My project utilizes Bootstrap rows and containers, but I'm unsure how to use them to achieve this effect. Here is how my component is structured:

      title="Imaginary Company"
      <QuotesList />
    containerStyle={{ top: 64, width:150 }}
      <MenuItem>Menu Item</MenuItem>
      <MenuItem>Menu Item 2</MenuItem>

The 'top' property is included to ensure the top title area of the App Bar remains visible when the drawer is open or closed. Any advice or guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

UPDATE: After some experimentation, I have come up with a solution using the 'styled-components' library. By creating a wrapper component that accepts a 'collapsed' prop and implements an animation sliding to the right equal to the drawer's width (150), I was able to achieve the desired effect. Below is the code snippet using styled-components:

const CollapsibleContainer = styled.div`
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
padding-left: 15px;
padding-right: 15px;
$:after {
content: "";
display: table;
clear: both;
position: absolute;
right: 0;
left: ${props => props.collapsed ? '150px' : '0'}!important;
transition: 450ms cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1) 0ms;

While not a flawless solution, it serves its purpose well. Hopefully, this can be helpful to someone else facing a similar challenge. :)

Answer №1

Here is a solution similar to your "hacky" approach, with a jsFiddle link provided:

The concept is the same. You shift your content to the right by the width of the drawer, applying a transition or animation effect. This can be achieved in various ways, using properties like width, marginLeft, absolute positioning, or even transform:translate. In this example, I utilized marginLeft:

const { Drawer, RaisedButton, MuiThemeProvider, getMuiTheme } = MaterialUI;

class Example extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { drawerOpen: false };

  render() {
    const contentStyle = {  transition: 'margin-left 450ms cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1)' };

    if (this.state.drawerOpen) {
      contentStyle.marginLeft = 256;

    return (
        <Drawer open={this.state.drawerOpen}>
          <div style={{ textAlign: 'right' }}>
            <RaisedButton onClick={() => this.setState({ drawerOpen: false }) }>X</RaisedButton>
        <div style={contentStyle}>
          <RaisedButton onClick={() => this.setState({ drawerOpen: true }) }>Open</RaisedButton>
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, amet epicuri vel ea, noster causae oporteat has ut, ad est periculis concludaturque.Mundi docendi volutpat ut sea, an sea suas epicurei.Sea numquam definitionem ne.Te postea aliquip invidunt quo.Id prima commune complectitur pri, sed at vero posse contentiones, sea cu fugit etiam iusto.Ei mei prima appareat, est brute luptatum iudicabit id.Alii homero imperdiet usu id, dico meis alienum per ad, dolorem mentitum philosophia quo id.
            Nec in dolor ancillae contentiones, at harum graecis his.An delectus scripserit pro.Ei dicta liber vis, sed no quidam legimus fabellas, no expetendis vituperata mei.Vim et ferri nominavi constituto.Wisi tamquam intellegebat duo in.Omittam adolescens abhorreant no sea.Cibo iusto verear ut mea, per at viris nominavi referrentur.
            Sea officiis moderatius te.Graeci causae malorum ius in, cu has offendit tractatos interpretaris.Ea porro liberavisse mei, no mei propriae salutandi intellegat, te nibh singulis vim.Vim mucius feugait blandit ea.At est mollis vivendo.Eu has choro doctus verterem.Utroque suscipiantur ne eum, vix in alia intellegat.
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, amet epicuri vel ea, noster causae oporteat has ut, ad est periculis concludaturque.Mundi docendi volutpat ut sea, an sea suas epicurei.Sea numquam definitionem ne.Te postea aliquip invidunt quo.Id prima commune complectitur pri, sed at vero posse contentiones, sea cu fugit etiam iusto.Ei mei prima appareat, est brute luptatum iudicabit id.Alii homero imperdiet usu id, dico meis alienum per ad, dolorem mentitum philosophia quo id.
            Nec in dolor ancillae contentiones, at harum graecis his.An delectus scripserit pro.Ei dicta liber vis, sed no quidam legimus fabellas, no expetendis vituperata mei.Vim et ferri nominavi constituto.Wisi tamquam intellegebat duo in.Omittam adolescens abhorreant no sea.Cibo iusto verear ut mea, per at viris nominavi referrentur.
            Sea officiis moderatius te.Graeci causae malorum ius in, cu has offendit tractatos interpretaris.Ea porro liberavisse mei, no mei propriae salutandi intellegat, te nibh singulis vim.Vim mucius feugait blandit ea.At est mollis vivendo.Eu has choro doctus verterem.Utroque suscipiantur ne eum, vix in alia intellegat.
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, amet epicuri vel ea, noster causae oporteat has ut, ad est periculis concludaturque.Mundi docendi volutpat ut sea, an sea suas epicurei.Sea numquam definitionem ne.Te postea aliquip invidunt quo.Id prima commune complectitur pri, sed at vero posse contentiones, sea cu fugit etiam iusto.Ei mei prima appareat, est brute luptatum iudicabit id.Alii homero imperdiet usu id, dico meis alienum per ad, dolorem mentitum philosophia quo id.
            Nec in dolor ancillae contentiones, at harum graecis his.An delectus scripserit pro.Ei dicta liber vis, sed no quidam legimus fabellas, no expetendis vituperata mei.Vim et ferri nominavi constituto.Wisi tamquam intellegebat duo in.Omittam adolescens abhorreant no sea.Cibo iusto verear ut mea, per at viris nominavi referrentur.
            Sea officiis moderatius te.Graeci causae malorum ius in, cu has offendit tractatos interpretaris.Ea porro liberavisse mei, no mei propriae salutandi intellegat, te nibh singulis vim.Vim mucius feugait blandit ea.At est mollis vivendo.Eu has choro doctus verterem.Utroque suscipiantur ne eum, vix in alia intellegat.


const App = () => (
  <MuiThemeProvider muiTheme={getMuiTheme() }>
    <Example />

  <App />,

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