Is it possible for the ".filter" function to verify if the target contains multiple attributes?

I'm currently working on a checkbox filter setup and using Jquery's .filter to sort through some divs.

Below is the snippet of Jquery code that I am using:

var checkboxes = $('div.filter-groups').find('input:checkbox'),
general = $('.general');

function filterCheckboxes(){
    var checked = checkboxes.filter(':checked');

    $.each(checked, function(){
    var rel = $(this).data('filter');

        general.filter('.' + rel).show();

checkboxes.on('click', filterCheckboxes);

You can view the web page here:

Or check out this jsfiddle for a live demo:

I'm looking for a way to make the .filter function verify if the div has all the attributes of the selected checkboxes before displaying. Any ideas?

Also, I've noticed that when I check and then uncheck a box or boxes, all the divs disappear. Is there a way to fix this issue?

Answer №1

You were facing a couple of issues:

  • You were hiding all the divs but never showing them again.
  • You were only hiding at each :checked input, so only one filter was being considered.

From looking at your jsFiddle code snippet:

In your document.ready function, you were targeting all checkboxes inside 'div.filter-groups' and hiding the '.general' elements whenever a checkbox was clicked. You were then building an array of selectors based on checked checkboxes, but not handling the case when no filters were selected. Finally, you were joining the selectors and showing those specific elements.

I haven't fully tested this amended code, but hopefully it points you in the right direction.

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