Creating a card design that responds to user interactions using CSS and HTML

I attempted to create a responsive queue of playing cards that adjusts based on the display width.

I want this queue to perfectly fit the display width so that no card is cut off. It should be optimized for phones, tablets, and desktop screens.

Additionally, I prefer to center align this queue to ensure it looks visually appealing.

Check out the live demo on jsfiddle

    <img src="" alt="">
    <img class="rest" src="" alt="">
    <img class="rest" src="" alt="">
    <img class="rest" src="" alt="">
    <img class="rest" src="" alt="">
    <img class="rest" src="" alt="">
    <img class="rest" src="" alt="">
    <img class="rest" src="" alt="">
    <img class="rest" src="" alt="">
    <img class="rest" src="" alt="">
    <img class="rest" src="" alt="">
    <img class="rest" src="" alt="">

    display: inline-block;
    height: 200px;
    margin-left: -102px;

Answer №1

Implementing the new Flexbox layout is a great solution!

To achieve this, remember to use display:inline-flex for your wrapping div and remove display:inline-block from the img:

    height: 200px;
    margin-left: -102px;
    /*flex-grow:1;*/          /* Bonus : all available width is occupied */

The use of flex-grow:1 allows the img to expand when there is space available, although it may cause distortion.

Check out this demo, as well as some helpful resources:

Answer №2

If you're looking to enhance browser compatibility, try implementing it this particular method

  • Ensure all your cards are labeled with class="rest"
  • Adjust your CSS accordingly:
    text-align:center;     /* Center alignment */
    padding-right:102px;   /* Adjusting right padding */
    box-sizing:border-box; /* Include padding in width calculation */
    display: inline-block;
    height: 200px;
    margin-right: -102px; /* Utilizing margin-right over margin-left */

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