I am looking to add some flair to my ID "checkimg" using JavaScript


if ((valid1 && valid2 && valid3 & valid4 && valid5 && valid6 && valid7 && valid8)==1)
    // include an image in the specified ID.
} else {


<li id="checkimg">Personal</li>


background:transparent url(../images/checked.png) no-repeat top left;

If the JavaScript condition is met as true, I want to apply the above style to the element with id="checkimg". What code do I need to add inside the if statement?

Answer №1

give this a shot

document.getElementById('checkimg').style.background = "transparent url(../images/checked.png) no-repeat top left";

Answer №2

$("#checking").css({'background':'transparent url(../images/checked.png) no-repeat top left'});


$("#checking").css({'background':'transparent url(../images/checked.png)', 'background-repeat': 'no-repeat', 'background-position': 'top left'});

Answer №3

hello if you are using jQuery then

$("#checking").css({'background':'transparent url(../images/checked.png) no-repeat top left;'});

if you are working with javascript then give this a shot:

if ((valid1 && valid2 && valid3 && valid4 && valid5 && valid6 && valid7 && valid8)==1)
     var obj = document.getElementById("checkimg");
     obj.style.background = "background:transparent url(../images/checked.png) no-repeat top left";



UPDATE 2: - you can also establish a css class:

.bgimg{background:transparent url(../images/checked.png) no-repeat top left;}

and append the Attribute to the obj.

obj.setAttribute("class", "bgimg"); // within your condition, remember u get the obj via getElementById

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