Comparing the benefits of a 3-column flow layout to a traditional

I've been wondering about the popularity of 3 column flow layouts compared to using a table with 3 columns and one row. Can someone explain the advantages and disadvantages of using a flow layout versus a table layout for this scenario?

Thank you

Answer №1

The ongoing debate between "Tables vs. CSS" has been a topic of discussion for approximately ten years now. Nowadays, the general consensus is that CSS is usually the preferred method for page layout. CSS layouts are typically more semantic, easier to maintain (since the layout is in a separate CSS file rather than embedded within the HTML), and provide a better foundation for 'responsive design,' which is currently the trending term in web development:

Answer №2

Simply copy and paste into a rich text editor, or develop an alternative CSS for printing purposes.

Answer №3

Instead of tables, consider using div elements for a more modern approach to web design.

Tables can create clutter and have limitations in HTML coding.

The link provided offers a detailed comparison between tables and div elements.

Answer №4

In the 90s, table layouts were the go-to method before CSS became widely available. DA provided a thorough explanation of this practice. With CSS and div elements, designers have the flexibility to completely rearrange their layout directly from the CSS file. In contrast, using tables would require manual HTML editing on each page to make any layout changes, resulting in unnecessary clutter in the code. Consider this: which looks more appealing - <div></div> or


One advantage of using tables for layout is that cells in the same row automatically have equal sizes.

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